A Much-Needed Guna Audit

Robert: I hope all is well in Spain.  Just read your satsang on free will, it’s great.

Sundari: Good to hear from you again, I am still in Spain. Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.  Especially since I hear from the grapevine that we slipped off the good guy list for you. Seems you fell for the absurd tamasic lies perpetuated about Ramji online.  I must say, that surprised me, and it also didn’t, knowing that tamas plays a big part in your guna profile. And not to say that is a bad thing, necessarily. Tamas in the service of sattva can be most beneficial.

But when it is not, discrimination is often lacking. I thought your discrimination to be more sattvic, but no blame.  The funny thing is that though we know what is being said about Ramji online as we get a few vicious attacks, or people keep us informed, it really does not touch us. Quite frankly, it is a source of great amusement for us.  There will always be adharma that tracks dharma like a vulture, waiting for its demise. But nothing affects the Self. Shiningworld exists in a different loka to the poor suffering malcontents on the mithya plane.  There is so much good karma associated with SW that adharma does not reach it and nothing will ever destroy it.

Robert: I’m currently working through a desire-based weed-smoking vasana. A new job and working through a difficult relationship has triggered an old program in System 2. Smoking a few joints daily and jiva seems to be enjoying them. On the one hand, I see it as a nice symbol of the self. Maya creating anxiety and desire for the self to experience itself, just because it can. On the other hand, sometimes I wonder if it reinforces the body/mind sense complex identity.

Sundari: You can bet your bottom dollar that you are reinforcing binding vasanas. Why would the Self need Maya to create an experience of itself when it is itself? While it is true that all objects can be construed as a symbol of the Self, it sounds like some fancy Advaita shuffle footwork to see a joint as one. Perhaps you need to undertake a serious guna audit and practice some honest guna hygiene?  As stated, your guna profile tends to lean quite heavily towards tamas, as I am sure you are aware.  What you say above sounds like the classic Advaita shuffle, using the teachings to justify cleaning up binding vasanas. Don’t fall for it. The slide into tamas is far more gradual than when the mind is overtaken by rajas, but it is just as lethal.

Robert: Anyway, I’m trying to negate the vasana using knowledge as opposed to brutish willpower. System 2 hasn’t been able to effect any change in system 1 just yet, but I’m sure with consistent application of the knowledge it will be relinquished. So grateful for Shining World and the essential service you provide.

Sundari: I am glad to hear that Shiningworld and the teachings are helpful to you. However, sometimes brutish willpower is what it takes with such longstanding binding vasanas.  You may just have to man up to this one because the price of not doing so is high. Trying to take the edge of the problems in your life with tamas is asking for trouble.

Vedanta is unambiguous about the use of hallucinogens as it is about everything. Using them is not conducive to self-inquiry because the tamas they cause dulls the mind creating the perfect breeding ground for self-deception and delusion. Tamas slows down the mind and you experience temporary clarity, but it is not sattva. Though I have I have never used drugs I have witnessed many people use them and making claims about their power to produce insights while all they were doing was trying to ameliorate the pain of facing up to the problems in their lives.

It is true that everyone reacts to drugs differently and if used recreationally and infrequently it is no big deal. If that is what you are doing, but it does not sound like it. You need to be very honest with yourself because the fact that you are justifying smoking weed means that tamas is operating. There is no shortcut to and no chemical solution for self-inquiry.  If you are looking for peace of mind, deal with what truly requires your attention, such as why you are having relationship problems. 

Much Love


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