Can I Support Trump and Vedanta?

Hello Sundari, we have not spoken in a while, but I would like to know your views on Trump.  If I am a supporter, how does that square with Vedanta?  I am an earnest inquirer but am confused about the real issue regarding Trump. Can I be a genuine inquirer and a Trump supporter? To my mind, all politicians are corrupt. Why is Biden any different?

Sundari: As people we are all entitled to our opinions and values. But as inquirers, there must be a consensus on what those values are.  Vedanta is unequivocal on Universal as opposed to personal values. And for an inquirer, personal values are subservient to and must be compatible with Universal values. There is no fine print to this. The real issue regarding Trump is not about politics, it is about dharma.  Most people who vote for him do so not because of his policies. It is not clear that he has any apart from what suits him to support to stay in power.  People vote for him for two reasons: his base group, the disgruntled anti-government, anti-science, anti-education, anti-manners kind who live in an alternative universe of their own ‘facts’. For these people he is a much-prized wrecking ball whose only skill is to destroy norms. He cannot fail this cohort, no matter how badly he behaves. They love him to the point of blind worship because they feel he ‘cares’ for them.  Their discrimination is so skewered that they will literally manufacture whatever facts they require to maintain their allegiance. A minority vote for him even though they tolerate him with distaste, but he supports their politics, such as the evangelicals and the anti-abortionists.

The majority of people who will not vote for him will not do so because they are outraged and horrified at his complete disregard for dharma and his dismantling of the social order. In the history of the so-called ‘free world’, even if we factor in the imperfections of anyone in a position of political power past present or future, I believe it is correct to say Trump has dropped the dharma bar about as low as it has ever been. Certainly, in America. There are good lessons to be learned for all concerned, no doubt. In the end this may well be a great way for humanity to reinvest in values that do support fairness, decency, justice and truth.

I predicted he would win in 2016 because I understand the forces that brought him into power. Whether they will keep him there remains to be seen. I don’t have much interest in politics per se other than as entertainment and have no illusions about any politician being pure and incorruptible. Most great men in history have been very flawed human beings. Isvara does not make perfect people and those with egos big enough to take on that kind of job are particularly prone to the abuse of power. History is one long litany about this. The world of politics is mithya on steroids, after all. As Vedanta points out, this world is and always will be an imperfect place and nothing makes it more so than the pursuit of power. 

From the perspective of Vedanta, what we care most about is the Dharma Big Picture View, from both the spiritual/psychological and physical level.  No matter how untethered one is from facts as they actually are, there is a moral order built into the fabric of life. Without dharma, we are all screwed and will soon be packing guns. Trump is actively promoting the mayhem that could ensue from a total breakdown of the moral order, just to stay in power. And purely from the perspective of the environment, it would be a sad day indeed if he prevails. His rejection of science in favour of conspiracies theories bodes very badly for the whole world as we face an uncertain environmental future. I pray he does not remain in power, but if he does, Isvara has a plan, no doubt. There is always an upside and downside to everything in mithya.

As for how to reconcile supporting Trump and Vedanta, you need to ask yourself one important question. What is your definition of dharma? And you then must consider the fact that your discrimination and dispassion have been compromised by that answer. The truth with a capital ‘T’ is not subjective and cannot be based on opinions. The Universal and human values it promotes are not up for debate, ever. By no rational or spiritual standards can anyone who is interested in Truth justify supporting Trump. Om, Sundari

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