Good and Bad Samskaras are Not Real

Dear Ramji,

I´m happy…like I always say, thanks to the teachings….cause this year has been a constant test, my do-gooder still there, trying to help people and all my samskaras bubbling up, trying to stay focused on the good ones…also, my mother’s death and family issues still feel heavy, but again, the teachings keep me on point and I accept and I stay grateful for everything…

Ramji:  Sorry it took so long to write but I’ve been very busy.  Everything is going very well.  I’ve been to America and am on my way back to Spain after a seminar in Berlin this weekend. 

It sounds like you are about ready to settle down.  Going back and forth from the US to India gets tiring after a while, but as you say, it’s not too bad.  Still, not too bad is still bad.   If you’re trying to stay focused on the good samskaras, it might be easier to see both good and bad samskaras as mithya and stay focused on “I am blissful existence shining as consciousness.” That ever-present “I” is samskara free.  Knowing yourself in this way neutralizes all the trying, the going back and forth between good and bad thoughts and feelings. 

Anyway, It is lovely to hear from you.  On your way pay us a visit.

Much love,


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