Is Moksa in All Three States?

Dear James,

The question about moksa isn’t clear yet.  Do you say moksa is in all 3 states?  Because it seems to me the problem (if any) and/or seeking liberation is in the waking state only, not in the dream and especially not in deep sleep.  So moksa seems to me to be something in the waking state only.

James:  You are right.  Moksa is not in all three states.  Moksa is liberation from all three states and the three experiencing entities: the waker, dreamer and deep sleeper.   If you think you are a waking state person, then moksa is only for the waking state.   The sleep state entity, whioh isn’t a specific person, like the waker, experiences freedom and bliss so the idea of moksa doesn’t occur in that state.  The dream state happens by the grace of Isvara.  The dream agent is created by Isvara and it has no will of its own.  Even if it seeks liberation in the dream, the liberation will end when Isvara generates the waking state.  So liberation that ends is not liberation.  Freedom is the nature of you, Existence/Awareness.  Please get the Mandukya and Karika book and video.  It explains the whole teaching.  Here is the link:



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