Isvara Does What Jiva Says

Dearest Ramji,

How are you? I hope you are fine.  Sundari decorated your house in the most beautiful way, as far as I saw it on the video. Lovely!  I would love to see it.  Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings.  I love to participate as much as I can.  Often on Sundays I am out of town in the mountains in the seminars.  I enjoy my work and it grows lovely.

Now I have a question:  In my devotion to Ishvara and Krishna, I love to chant and sing mantras or I pray.  I noticed that my attitude is one of a child, asking for love, taking myself for a Jiva.  Even knowing I am the Self, being hole and complete, I notice the tendency of an identification with an incomplete Jiva, taking mithya for real and praying for love and help.

How can I deal with it? How to hold on the Self while surrender to Ishvara?
Much love

Ramji:   Lovely to hear from you!  I got my second shot on Tuesday so I can travel now!  Yes, we are fixing up the place to receive visitors and have satsangs later this year.  I’m glad to hear that all is well on the transactional level. 

Now to the important part.  As far as taking mithya to be real, the problem is a lack of faith in the teaching.  You have a choice.  You can believe your feeling of loneliness or you can believe the scripture’s view of you. You are not being a good friend to yourself by choosing to take that small voice seriously.  The whole problem is solved if you throw away the desire for completeness, the fear of aloneness.  We are always alone even when there are people in our lives.  That aloneness is all oneness, which is to say fullness.   That’s the message of the Gita. 

Your mind is tamasic, lazy.  It doesn’t want to stand up to those feelings, which have been there for a very long time.  So you let it indulge itself.  It doesn’t feel good because it’s not the truth.  So you need to give your mind a good spanking.  Stay alert and stand up to that thought.  At the same time you’re stuck in sattva.  The stuckness is the tamas again.  You have a really good life.  It’s too easy.  You have your health, a nice place to stay, no money worries, etc.  If you really wanted a relationship you could have one in no time.  You could dress up and put on your dancing shoes and get out there!.  You’re a beautiful smart caring talented person and a very attractive woman but the Isvara part of you knows that finding love in the world doesn’t work.  See the irony!  You pray to Isvara but Isvara is the problem.   Isvara’s not going to change anything until you make Isvara change!  Isvara has to do what Jiva decrees with its actions.  When you follow the scripture’s advice and take a stand as Awareness it serves notice to Isvara to give you faith in the scripture and the rajas to stand up to the tamasic thought.  You destroy tamas with rajas and rajas with knowledge i.e. sattva.  That’s the way it works.

If you believed in yourself you would need a big stick to beat off the men.  But instead you pray to Isvara for what?  If you want something from Isvara pray for the strength to stand up to that small voice that shouts so loudly.  You are one millimeter away from freedom but it seems like a million miles.  So give yourself the love you crave.  Stand up and fight, O mighty Arjuna!  

Om and Prem,

Dear Ramji

Oh Lord! What a cold water slam and Zen-Stick!

You beat the shit out of me dear Ramji!
And I must say: it is so true! Shame on me.
Thanks for that. I am speechless.
Ramji gives me exactly what is needed.
Now I stand up, like mighty Arjuna!

Thanks for this kind of love, Ramji.
It wakes me up!

I bow to you

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