My Own Innate Beauty

Martin: I thought it about time to check in to let you know what’s “happening” in my life. My dear mum passed away on July 3 from a rare and aggressive cancer that ended up spreading rather rapidly. The night before she died, her face came to me in a vision whilst in bed and then faded out and I “knew” (as much as we can ever know) that she was indeed “gone.” What I really want to say though is I am not grieving at all. I loved my mother but I understand that death is life is death and therefore there is nothing to grieve about, as awareness the I is complete and totally unaffected by change/death. Without Vedanta, which I have immersed myself in for the past eight to ten years, who knows how “I” would have coped?

On a much lighter, brighter note, Vedanta to me is getting more and more beautiful as I discover my own innate beauty. As I uncover the amazing clarity and infinite joy of my own natural being and the knowledge that all experience is me, existence-awareness, and yet I am free from it whilst enjoying it immensely, I am overwhelmed by Vedanta, I truly am! Who wouldn’t be? The way you teach is absolutely perfect (for me) and this is borne out by the resulting freedom I have discovered. Your own life and work is a great blessing to all the qualified and qualifiable people, who want nothing less than complete freedom from suffering, and as a bonus a never-ending, boundless, peace-filled joy. Oh, and before I forget: I am coming – Isvara willing – to Surrey next April 2020. This will be my second time meeting you, as I came in 2018 for the Atma Bodha seminar. So anyway, my friend, much, much love and a deep heartfelt gratitude to you and all the ShiningWorld guys, and not forgetting Sundari – “the beauty that makes beauty possible.”

Ramji: Appreciation is much appreciated, Martin, but be sure to give yourself a big pat on the back for your devotion to the teaching. You’re a smart guy. So many dip their toes in the water but don’t dive in for a good swim. I know I needn’t exhort you to keep it up. The proof of the pudding…

~ Much love, James

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