Non-Duality – John Baxter’s blog # 19 (psychotherapy and Vedanta)

Self inquiry is actualized freedom. It is monitoring your thoughts and behaviors to make sure they align with the
knowledge of Vedanta. You need to be able to easily and confidently say, I am awareness.

Qualify Yourself
When you experience a misunderstanding, don’t worsen the situation by labeling it failure, simply correct it. By the way, you’ll need a subtle body (mind) to pullthis off. Don’t deny it. If you affirm it, your mind, your experiencing entity, moves in a healthier direction. It becomes qualified. Self inquiry is simple. Keep it simple, just do the practice. Moksa is a refinement of the karma yoga attitude. You are devoted TO Isvara, then identified WITH Isvara and finally AS Isvara.

Finally, you see no fundamental difference between yourself and Isvara. Remember, Isvara is everything that is. That includes your friends and enemies. Whenyou’re firmly identified with this attitude, you’re good to go. At first you have to remind yourself of this… afterward not so much.
Here’s the technical words. Saguna Brahman (existence shining as consciousness) with gunas equals Nirguna Brahman (existence shining as consciousness without gunas) equals you, the Self.

To repeat: what’s the same (nigruna brahman) is non-different from what’s apparently different (saguna brahman). Whether you’re worshiping Isvara, the Self, or the objects (not-self), you’re essentially expressing your devotion to the same thing. When you adopt the karma yoga attitude, you’re more than halfway to non-dual vision/devotion.

Association with the Wise is the Root Cause of Freedom
Argumentation leads to excessive entanglement and resolves nothing.” Verse 75 – Narada Bhakti Sutras
Arguing a particular point of view is fodder for disagreements. Because Vedanta is a perfect means of Self-knowledge, much time is wasted tying to convince unqualified people of the non-dual point of view. Shut up and listen with an open mind to the words of a qualified teacher. You will not be disappointed.

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