Nothing Better Than a Dead Dualist

Mario: Hi, Ramji Maharaj!

Mario here on the pen. l know l haven’t been in touch for a while, there simply hasn’t been any spiritual need, you see. Anyways, I had a most marvelous and thought-provoking “ Isvara special dream” the other night, which I do believe your great self will lap up.

Ramji: Hi, Mario from Milano, Self extraordinaire! My great Self did lap up Isvara’s dream.

Mario: It and I seem to be stanging on a balcony or ledge of sorts overlooking at least a 20-foot drop. I am arguing with my grandad, who is shouting and venting all the ill will and angst he can muster at me; all the while (when I can get a shout in edgewise, that is) I am saying, “Reality is non-dual, reality is non-dual, it’s all non-dual!” At some point during this heated exchanged, he grabs my arm and this seems to make me snap, and I manage to throw him over and he dies instantly.

Ramji: Nothing better than a dead dualist!

Mario: It is “just known” he is dead. I am now walking fast away from the dreaded scene and I’m in my old estate were I lived as a child. There are people there, old friends of mine from the past who loved “Grandad” (although they didn’t know of him in the waking state,“real life”) and they are all booing and hissing, jeering and…

Ramji: But wait, he’s not actually dead. He lives on: duality is eternal.

Mario: …generally it feels as though they’re out to lynch me, so I bid a hasty retreat!

Ramji: Smart. As it says in the Bhakti Sutras, avoid argumentation.

Mario: Now I am coming to a house/building, and inside I can see my family and some old friends (these seem to be more friendly to my plight, although they are sad); within this “faraway” space there is a pleasing light…

Ramji: Ta-da! Enter the Self.

Mario: …and my grandad’s dead body is lying there. Then his face is shown to me from a distance and he is wearing a mask, but the mask is my face! lt’s also lit up.

Ramji: From following your comments on the Facebook page, somebody told me yesterday that you were “enlightened.” It seems Isvara agrees.

Mario: At this point, one of the old friends of mine/Grandad’s wants to know what went on and in particular he is asking me about a specific word that l was saying. I get the feeling he means “non-dual.” I say to him that I will have to explain myself to the “busies,” slang for the cops.

Ramji: Yes, getting the idea of non-duality into the fear part (the cops) is hard work; it takes a lot of explaining, i.e. contemplation.

Mario: Now, when I awoke from the dream, it eventually hit me just how clever, imaginative and intelligently funny Isvara was being: in the dream busies means “bodies” and with me “explaining myself” to them can only mean one thing – that I am the self-knowledge that all three state’s bodies are really only me – non-dual, actionless, light/awareness!

Ramji: Yes. It seems you have very well assimilated non-duality, Mario. When Isvara feeds it back in such a way, you can pretty well assume that the knowledge is hard and fast. Good on you, as the Aussies say. Isvara is a great artist with a killer sense of humor.

Mario: So I do hope you enjoyed reading about the self’s dream about itself in the form of a man from Milano, Ramji.


PS: By the way, I am planning to come to Berlin in March 2018 to see you; hopefully I will finally get to meet you in “person.” Give my love and best wishes to all at ShiningWorld’s ever growing family and to Sundari, the beauty that makes beauty possible. I like her hair being naturally grey. Good choice on her part indeed, I think you’ll agree!

Namaste, Om tat sat

Ramji: I’m so glad I’ll get an opportunity to meet you, Mario! And yes, I concur on Sundari’s hair!

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