ShiningWorld Campaign to Fight Adharma

Dear James,

Namaste.  Thank you for the offer to receive and send around an anonymous message from one of Robert’s victims.  For now, I think I have to pass.  The reason is that someone had reached out to me, and it could be the same person.  She doesn’t want me saying anything about her situation.  Anyway, I have been a part of a small group of people from Robert’s Arsha Vidya Learning Lounge Facebook group who have been trying to figure out what to do about Robert.  I had become impatient with the lack of progress by the others.  I have been open to them about all of this stuff, including my correspondence with you.  However, yesterday, I told them that I will do a number of actions, whether they are willing to help or not.  I gave them a list and told them that I was tired of dealing with this Robert situation, so after performing these actions, I will take a break from this little group.  So, for your information, these are some things I have just done:

James:  Thanks for the email.  It was very helpful.  I’m not aware of all the intricacies of the web, etc. and your email gave me several good ideas.  I think, however, that the woman in question is doing herself, Robert and Vedanta a disservice by not stepping up and taking a stand against adharma.  The dharma is only as strong as the actions people take to support it.  However, her position is typical for women in abusive relationships.  It’s too bad that she doesn’t understand that her initial impulse was the spiritual impulse.  In any case she won’t have anyone to protect before long.  I’m totally committed.  I’ve put my projects on hold and will do this to the best of my ability.  In any case she’s on a sinking ship. The most compassionate course of action, if she actually cares for Robert, is to help put him out of his misery as quickly as possible.  He’s not only a fake guru, he’s a fake tough guy like Trump.  I suggested to him that it was beneath his dignity as a professional criminal to rip off and abuse innocent nice middle class people, that if he was actually a man he’d get back in bed with the big bad criminals and do himself proud.  This kind of poseur needs tough love.  There’s a frightened rebellious little boy inside that just can’t stop hurting himself, like Trump.  He will definitely throw her under the bus when it suits his fancy.  That’s what this kind of person does.  Myself and several other Vedanta people are committed to this opportunity to serve Isvara in the karma yoga spirit and will see it through to the end.  He’s a frightened clever rat but he’s not nearly as smart as he thinks.  Going up against Isvara isn’t a good career move for someone in the guru business.  Look what happened to Duryodhana. 

Obviously you care for this woman so if you want you can tell her that ShiningWorld is totally committed to exposing Robert and that we are happy to support her in any way.  She might benefit by speaking to Sundari.  Or she might take heart from the Andrew Cohen case.  Andrew, as you may know, was pretty much big time, unlike Robert, who is actually small potatoes.  Andrew’s people finally had the guts to stand up to him and he ate humble pie and stepped down.  He too was a very angry person like Robert but not a hardened criminal who fancies he’s rehabilitated himself.  Not only does Robert not understand the dharma but he doesn’t understand the samskaras.  He’s like a dry drunk.  On the wagon but still plagued with the vasanas that set him on the adharmic path in the first place.  In any case there are a series of posts on ShiningWorld in the offing if you want to stay informed. 

Thanks for bringing this situation to my attention.  I was lazy and didn’t want the aggravation, but my whole mindset is different now.  I bear a certain amount of responsibility for agreeing to support Robert’s attempt to rehabilitate himself.  Sundari, who is about to post a synopsis of her relationship with Robert, who we knew as Wayne…we are putting the finishing touches on it now…wasn’t too happy with my more relaxed approach but I always go the extra mile because I know the spiritual power prevails in the long run.  It’s also true for Robert in this case.  Just like there’s a hurt, angry rebellious little man inside there’s a beautiful spiritual person inside too that isn’t strong enough to stand up to the bad boy.  We would like to support the good guy.   Anyway, thanks again for your help.



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