Three Signs of Assimilated Self Knowledge

Dear James,

I’m enjoying your teachings “The Self is Bliss 2019” Trout-Lake.  In video number 9 you read a great and fascinating story about the “Wallians”. Unfortunately, I don’t understand everything acoustically and wanted to ask you whether you’ve published this story somewhere?

James:  I’m almost ready to publish it, Kevin, probably in a month or two.  It’s called “The Wall” and is a modern Purana, a kind of Vedantic science fiction novel without and Sanskrit or Indian culture.  I’m enjoying writing it.  It takes a different kind of skill.   

Kevin:  Otherwise, I’m fine. I am not afraid or worried about all of these lock-down stories. Rather, I have the impression that, thanks to your Teachings of Vedanta, my life is most of my times now like a long, calm river. There hardly seem to be any ups or downs, and if there are, then they quickly dissolve. Sometimes I feel a little strange.  As if I (Jiva-Kevin) were not quite with me. I then feel observed and at the same time I watch the world.  It’s fascinating, but also a little strange.

James:  Yes, the seeming duality of life, the difference between the observer and the observed is a bit strange.  For a long time you thought the observed was the observer and now, it seems a switch (viparaya) has happened thanks to Vedanta.  The previous observer, the Kevin entity, is now the observed and the previously observed entity is now the observer.  The sequence now in harmony with reality; first there is you witnessing awareness and then Kevin the Subtle Body, reflecting you.  It takes a little time to get used to it.  It happened because you have assimilated the teaching.  Once you know the truth life takes on a dreamlike quality.

Kevin:  It’s also seems as if “something” is acting through me, which is equally familiar, but now that I recognize it, it is also strange.

James:  You, the Self, is the “something” acting through you, the Kevin doer, the Subtle Body.  And yes, it is a “re” cognition, something that you knew once a long time ago but had forgotten.  Self knowledge is never something “new.”  It just seems like it is new when you return to your eternal nature after a long stay in the dream.  This is just another way to look at the shift from the individual to the universal perspective.

Kevin:  In the end, remarkable things happen around me, but all of them are positive for me – somehow magical.  I am very connected to you and extremely grateful that Ishvara has shown me Vedanta.

James:  This magical quality of life is another sign of assimilated Self knowledge.  I’m so happy for you!  You have been very faithful to your spiritual path for a long time and Isvara has blessed you with the fruit.  Good for you!  Things will continue to smooth out and your devotion will grow and grow as the knowledge does it’s work.

Much love,


All the best to you and Sundari


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