Uncovered Knowledge

Kathy: Hi, Ramji – I have had a breakthrough – or I should say I have uncovered knowledge that was there, but hidden by my ignorance. I have been rereading The Yoga of Love, and it appears to be a different book than the one I read seven months ago, thanks to your teaching and my practice and a lot of grace.

After reading up to and through the quotes on page 17 from the Brihadaranyaka and Kena Upanishads,I had an unfolding. I finally “got it.” Through your building of knowledge to that point, and having read a section of the Tattva Bodha, I received clarity.

I can’t explain it any further, but although I had the concept of self before, I had trouble really understanding self in the mix of Maya and Isvara 2 as “opposed” to Isvara 1. I understand now and I have this inner grasp of what Vedanta really is in comparison to other studies. I also see the necessity of studying dualism first but how it makes no sense after we know that love is love is self is God is unconditional love of self.

My knowledge held me up to see the wisdom of this teaching. I don’t think there’s any going back now. This brings me such peace. I can’t imagine sharing this with anyone but you at this time, as I am sure my language will have to catch up with the wisdom. Thank you so much. I just want to weep with joy. And I don’t really know what happened, but for the grace of self, I see the truth. I understand self.

Thank you so much, Ramji, for always being there with unconditional love, showing me the self through your radiance and persistence and patience with my small self!

On page 30 you write: “This fullness is a permanent feeling of satisfaction and confidence , not an emotion…” That’s what I have. That explains it.

I call it “felt sense” – when I truly know something to be true, I feel it in my body, not as an emotion, but a physical truth.

~ Absolute love, Kathy

Ramji: Appreciation is always appreciated, Kathy, but you have to thank Isvara and give your jiva a good pat on the back too. I’m just a small cog in the big machine. Be sure to stick to your sadhana. Now you can enjoy every minute of it.

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