Does Thinking Continue After Death?

Dear Ramji,

How was your stay in Trout Lake? I hope you are strong and healthy all through this heavy teaching period! I’m so amazed by the energy you display all the time!

Yesterday a friend and I were having an out of the blue Vedanta talk. Actually he was reflecting on the question: Do we still think after we die?  This question really triggered me, because it wasn’t really difficult to answer it. The problem was to give him a clear Vedanta answer that would meet his (and eventually my) inquiry level.

So my answer was: Since I, pure unlimited Consciousness, never was born and never will die, and I, action-less Consciousness don’t think, the question is not really relevant from the point of view of Consciousness. But of course this answer was certainly not helpful for his understanding, and it made me travel in my reflection too: How can I give a correct Vedantic answer to this question, from a Jiva point of view?

So this is how my reflection went: I, pure, unlimited, action-less Consciousness through the power of Isvara/Maya activate the macrocosmic vasanas and gunas, which are projected as thoughts in the subtle body or reflected consciousness. The Jiva, because of ignorance of what he truly is, considers these thoughts as personal (my thoughts), and by mistake believes that  these thoughts are originating from his personal experience, his brain, his senses and his physical story. In that way, it would be logic to believe that thoughts stop when the physical body and brain die. But thoughts could perfectly continue to exist in the cosmic mind, Isvara’s mind, these thoughts being the ground of a potential new Jiva life. 

Does this reflection make sense from a Jiva point of view? Actually, once you deeply know that only “Consciousness is”, and that this whole world, with its karmic, biological and physical laws is mithya and to be dropped as unreal, it’s really hard to get back to the karma/creation logic. I got a bit stuck in my reflection…could you help me clarify? 😉

Thank you so much! Big hug,

Hi Mary,

No need to correct your answer.  It is perfect.  I will put this satsang on the website!  The seminar was excellent, best ever.  Great weather.  Great crowd and great satsang.  Here’s a link: and a pic.

Much love,

Much love,


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