Throw Isvara the Keys

Piro: I am more often than not feeling blessed in my jiva-ness and in my awareness… been giving thanks and cleaning Isvara’s teeth… delighting in my lack of control. I feel underwhelmingly like I am driving a BMW, and whenever I park the BMW (like this afternoon) as awareness I throw Isvara the keys. Thanks, mate.

Invariably I feel peaceful and, as you say, “good to go”… from our first meeting what I felt is still enough… the feeling of underwhelming enoughness I felt hearing you share Vedanta remains with me… I recall having no questions for you or anyone… no need for further details or explanations… no need to scream out yahoo or hallelujah… gently walking down the stairs, good to go.

I have shared this with you a few times… forgive me… it’s like Vedanta, it never goes away, and I like saying this to you… and myself.

Thanks always for the energy and blessings you have shared with me… for the blissful knowledge of Vedanta.

Ciao, Piro

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