Fighting the Elites

Question: Dear James, somehow I’m in a conflict and I write to you with the hope that by the very fact of writing and explaining this issue it could help. I’ve been an apolitical person for the last 40 years. I’ve been very much engaged in my beautiful work and my spiritual way and since five years; only moksa is left on my real agenda!

But within this so-called made-up coronavirus crisis I feel pulled into some new kind of engagement. It’s unbelievable what they doing here in Germany and worldwide, with few exceptions, to manipulate and fool the people with wrong facts, just to keep them under control. De facto, our basic rights are shut down without any reasonable medical and scientific background.

I’m shocked so many scientists, doctors, psychologists, professors (of microbiology, epidemiology, virology, etc.) are not allowed to present their clear scientific view of this “crisis“ in the media. Donald Trump should be proud of Angela Merkel and her friend Bill Gates.

Can we see the Bhagavad Gita only as an allegory for the spiritual development of a person and their inner conflicts and its overcoming with the goal of moksa, the inside fight for dharma, so to speak? Or can it also mean that we have to fight for on the relative level of society, politics and so on?

I could have this standpoint: it’s only the world, not real, so I don’t care. I’m only interested in moksa and spirituality. Real Freedom is only on the spiritual level. Somehow this is right: yes, there is only one freedom and this is Me, awareness. Period. Full stop. But doesn’t this freedom also reflect on the relative level and make us strive for righteousness in this world?

Arjuna had to fight for dharma. And that’s what I feel right know. And if I keep my karma yoga attitude in this “war” – WHY not? Saying I don’t care seems to be indifference rather than dispassion. Real dispassion is with love and sattvic, and not necessarily inactive. Right? Indifference may be just laziness and rather tamasic, no love involved.

What makes me hesitate somehow to become even more active is the fact that it feels very emotional. I am shocked and very angry about this incredible political attempt to betray and fool us and put us down. But being so emotional is the last thing I need, honestly. So taking a stand in awareness as awareness is very much needed.

How do you see this whole matter and the “need“ for action in the dharma field ?

James: I’m surprised that you are shocked by the manipulation of the elites. It’s always been that way and it will always be that way. So don’t expect it to change, although all actions have results. There is no reason why you shouldn’t become active politically, and you are right that you need to do any action in the karma yoga spirit. But keep in mind that karma yoga is offloading the anger before you act. If you act in fear and anger, you risk compromising the result, not to mention that it doesn’t feel good, because rajasic/tamasic people lack discrimination, which always leads to bad karma for all concerned. I don’t know – I’m just guessing – but isn’t it a little late in the game to become politically active? You’ve been introverted most of your life and are pursuing a noble goal. I can’t see that you will be happy running with an angry crowd. But if you feel strongly about it, give it a try and see what happens. It’s not the kiss of death and you may learn something about yourself. In the meantime, it might serve to study a bit of history to discover what you are up against. Donald Trump is a pussy compared to Duryodhana. You have to remember that Arjuna was a killer. He was totally rajasic. So for him not to fight an unsolicited war was a violation of his svadharmaSattvic people should act in harmony with their predominant guna. But if you want to man the barricades and carry the flag into battle, be my guest.

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